Disclosure Statement

At Wedding Pioneer, we take pride in offering detailed and thoughtful reviews to assist you in making informed decisions for your wedding planning. Our reviews aim to combine expert evaluations with practical insights to help you find the perfect products and services for your special day. In the spirit of full transparency, we provide the following disclosures regarding our reviews:

Affiliate Relationships

Wedding Pioneer is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the Etsy Affiliate Program, which are affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com and Etsy.com, respectively. This means that we may earn a commission for any sales made through our affiliate links at no additional cost to you, the user. Our affiliation with these platforms does not influence the products we recommend, as our goal is to suggest items that we genuinely believe will add value to your wedding experience.

When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, you’re helping support Wedding Pioneer, allowing us to continue delivering valuable content and recommendations to our readers.

Partner Commissions

One of our partners is a travel agent affiliated with KHM Travel. As such, some of the resort links featured on our site may provide us with a commission if you decide to book through those links. Just like with our affiliate links, choosing to book through these links comes at no additional cost to you. Our recommendations are based on thorough research and genuine belief in the quality of the resorts and services we promote.

Commitment to Unbiased Reviews

Our reviews are written independently and with honesty. Though we may receive commissions through affiliate links and partner referrals, we maintain our integrity by providing unbiased reviews of products and services. Our team carefully selects items to review, ensuring they meet our high standards for quality and relevance to your wedding needs.

Your Trust is Our Priority

Our readers’ trust is of utmost importance to us. We strive to be transparent about how we operate and how we generate revenue. We believe that by disclosing our affiliate and partner relationships, we foster trust and demonstrate our commitment to ethical practices.

If you have any questions or concerns about our reviews or disclosures, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We’re committed to providing a trustworthy and helpful resource for all aspects of your wedding planning journey.

Thank you!

This feature will be available shortly, we’ll notify you when it’s ready. For now, please take a look at our hand-selected vendors.
